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2nd year of Master course

[Name] Shin Takano


[Department major]

Biosystems Course, Department of Environmental Systems, Graduate School of International Environmental Engineering



Watching videos of cats (see Mochimaru Diary in YouTube)

[Extracurricular activities]

(Oral presentation) total 4 times

  • 69th SPSJ annual meeting

  • 36th DDS annual meeting

  • 69th Symposium on Macromolecules 

  • 70th SPSJ annual meeting

(Poster presentation) total 6 times

  • 69th SPSJ annual meeting

  • 69th Symposium on Macromolecules 

  • 70th SPSJ annual meeting



  1. Received the Poster Award in the Polymer and Textile category at the 56th Chemistry Branch Joint Kyushu Convention

  2. Post-A3 meeting China-Japan Biopolymer Symposium at Hibikino Poster Award


[research content]

Establishment of drug delivery technology using polymeric nanoparticles



DDS, bottle brush polymer (nano brush), zwitterionic polymer, amino acid

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