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・JR Kokura station ➡ Conference site

1. After getting off the train, go up the escalator and exit through the ticket gate.

2. After exiting the ticket gate, go straight, turn right, and go down the escalator.

3. Go straight, and after exiting the station, turn right.

3. Go straight, and after exiting the station, turn right.

4. Continue straight, and when you see the moving walkway on your left, turn left and get on the moving walkway.

5. Continue straight until the moving walkway ends, then turn right.

6. Continue straight and enter the door marked "West Japan General Exhibition Center New Building."

7. Go straight and pass through.

8. Exit the West Japan General Exhibition Center, turn right, and go down to the ground level.

9. After that, the silver-colored building visible right in front of you across the road is the Kitakyushu International Conference Center.

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